Sunday, September 30, 2012


Here are some pictures of Kinley's nursery! :) I still need to get a rug, but I can't find a light pink, plain rug that isn't like $400.00. Sooo, for now, there is no rug! Enjoy the other pictures, though!

One more thing, since I have the 2-vessel umbilical cord, my Dr. doesn't like to go past 39 weeks. That being said, Tuesday at my appointment, we will be picking an induction date. She has mentioned October 8th, which is a Monday, but Justin is having to take a week off from work. If we had her on Monday or Tuesday, we wouldn't be home until Wednesday or Thursday, so Justin would only get to be home with us for like 3 or 4 days before going back to work. We are going to ask if we can  be induced Friday or Saturday of this week so that we will get home on Sunday or Monday. That way, Justin could be home for almost an entire week with us before going back to work! I will keep you posted as to when she will be arriving, but sometime within the next week! :)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Delayed Posting! :)

Well, hello.. Sorry it's been since.. uhmm... March since I've updated anything on here, but I do have to say I am a terrible blogger. I'm going to work on it a little more since the baby will be here very very soon! :)

A lot has changed since March with us and I'll just give a brief overview. We found out at 16 weeks that we are having a baby girl! :) This momma was SO excited! I actually told the ultrasound tech that if it was a boy, I was going to cry, but that I would get over it and love the baby just the same! lol
The next event was at 20 weeks. We had out anatomical ultrasound where they check for everything that could possibly be wrong basically. Well, the only thing they found was the I have a 2-vessel umbilical cord. If you look online there is a lot of information about what all this can do.

Thankfully, nothing that could be wrong because of this is wrong with our baby! :) God is good and has taught me so much throughout this pregnancy. That was one of the times in my life where I can say I had nothing left of me and gave everything to God. I'm pretty sure that was the goal of that entire scare. I had been depending on myself way too much and I basically had left God completely out of the equation. He definitely knows how to put you back in your place when he wants to!

The bonus of having a 2-vessel cord is that we get to see ultrasounds twice a week of the baby! I think I have had about 13 ultrasounds thus far and I am at 36 1/2 weeks! I will post a few of the pictures we've gotten, but at this point, we really aren't getting anymore pictures because the baby's head is so low! For the past 3 weeks, she has gotten further and further down and we can't get anymore pictures of her beautiful face! :) Another thing that the 2-vessel cord can affect is birth weight, but our baby definitely isn't having a problem gaining weight. At 36 weeks, she was approximately weighing 7 1/2 lbs already. & Yes, if you ask me, she can come out ANY TIME!

One of the coolest things I've seen/felt since I've been pregnant was her actually practicing breathing the other night. I was laying back on the couch and looked down at my stomach because she was really really arching her back up. I could actually see her taking practice breaths. It was very exciting! The only reason I knew that's what I was seeing is because when I go twice a week for ultrasounds, they have to check and make sure she is practicing breathing!

I can't wait and I will hopefully take some pictures of the nursery tonight and post them tomorrow, but for now, I'll post some of the more recent ultrasound pictures and how far along each of them were! :)

This picture was when we first found out that she was a she! :)

I love this one because it's just her cute little baby toes!

This was before she started getting her chubby cuteness! She was still a little boney thing!

This was the most recent one the ultrasound tech put on our disc that we take with us when we go! I am so in love with this little girl already!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

It looks like a baby!!

So, I went to the doctor today and she told us that we are further along than we originally thought! That is ALWAYS exciting to hear!! I haven't really had morning sickness anymore and I've been feeling great! It's actually fun being pregnant at this point, except for the wanting it to be over so I can hold my baby already part!
When we were getting the ultrasound today, the baby was absolutely crazy! It was kicking both feet and pushing with both hands! The ultrasound tech said, "Wow! It's already a wild one!" haha I'm excited! I just couldn't believe that something that small is already healthy enough to kick and move like that yet! It is always such a relief to just see it moving and hear a heartbeat! It's a great feeling to know that it's still in there and growing! haha The heartrate was 169bpm. :) GIRL??? Here's to hoping! :)
Well, I know you don't care what I have to say that much, but here are some pictures! :)

This picture is really cool because you can see all the body parts~! :)

Here is the heartbeat! :) 169bpm. giiirrrlllll

I LOVE this one because you can see the outline of the little itybity fingers! She also said that you can start to see the bones in the face. (around the teeth and eyes)

Monday, February 27, 2012

& it begins. :)

         So, Justin and I want to help keep everyone informed about what will be going on throughout the next 7 1/2 months of our lives. We are thrilled at this point to be expecting a baby, but at first, I think I was a little (okay, a lot) shocked. I guess I always dreamed of finding out I was pregnant and it was NOTHING like what I expected. I saw the pregnancy test say "Pregnant" and I completely freaked out. I had this overwhelming feeling of OH MY GOSH, I HAVE SOMETHING GROWING INSIDE OF ME!!!! I then began to cry and then got excited. :) haha

          We had our first ultrasound last week and it was at 6 weeks and 3 days, so that makes me 7 weeks preggers today! It is going to be a LONG 33 weeks from this point on. During the ultrasound, we got to hear the heartbeat and it completely blew me away. It is nothing shy of a miracle that something so small can actually have a heartbeat. Only God could create something so inctricate and amazing.

         For about 2 1/2 weeks I was getting really nauseated at night, and a few times in the mornings, but the past 2 days I've felt much better. The only time I really feel bad is right around dinner time. I just think about food during that time of day and feel queasy. Hopefully this passes soon because I NEED FOOD. :) I love reading all of my pregnancy books and apps that tell and show me what my baby looks like and what is happening each week. I probably read each one about 5 times a day!

          Here is a picture of the first ultrasound.